Your Friends

0617hrs It's not my alarm that's given me this awakening this time around, no. It's the semi-unfamiliar environment I've been plunged into by this cold that's been tormenting me the whole week.
This is not my room.
A friend of mine dislocated his knee recently. Rock climbing incident. He was trying to get a grip on the nearest rock face when his brace got snapped by a mountain lion. He'll be alright. Can't say the same about that mountain lion though. As he was falling he grabbed a hold of it's neck and used it to break his fall.
I know right?
The actual events that led to the dislocation of the knee aren't for public consumption. What has been described above is what I am sticking to. He's my friend. My job is to make you believe he's an adrenaline junkie. The Jason Statham type. An Indian james Bond. Man of valour, man of action. He's my friend. He'd do the same. He has. I'm sure he has. I mean,why wouldn't he? We are friends after all.
There are a wealth of things I believe in. I believe in being in tune with one's self.
I also believe in networks. The best network you could ever be a part of is one in which everyone is in-tune with their own person. Their own self. Themselve's. Have you ever had a conversation that sapped the life from you? In this, and the next world? You try and make that person realize that things aren't all that bad but they see no reason. They're selfishly stuck in a pool of self-resentment and self-loathing that they don't want to get out of. To make a dire situation worse, they drag you in to that pool they're currently drowning in, totally forgetting you can't stay afloat in misery that thick. There seems to be no 'edge of the pool' for these amateur swimmers...
Let them go. It's cold, I know, but let them go. We are beings of energy. Negative energies will age you, make you angry, sad, suicidal...let them go. Energies need containers. Your friends are the containers of the latter. Positive and negative. Of the friends I still have, I value mostly the one's who make me want to do more with my 24 hours. Of the friends I still call friends, I value the one's who check up on me. Even if it's once in a while, I appreciate that so much. Of the friends I still call friends, I value how genuine the conversations we share are.
Friends. :)
In a crude way, life is similar to sexual really can go at it alone but, it's not the same as with a companion.
I admit that for the most part I haven't been the best friend one can have but I'm trying. There are so many promises I've made that I haven't kept. For the most part, everything I do, I do for my friends. Either to make them proud of me once again or to motivate them to do more with their own lives. I owe most of you so much. Maybe that goes against the principle of friendship but I want you to know that I'll return the favour ten-fold. Not so we can call it even-stevens, nah...
This is still not my room. I thought maybe this was just a dream or a vision. I'm starting to feel like one of you 'wild for the night' girls who just woke up in a strangers bed. My clothes are still on. So that's a good sign. Or a bad one. Perspective. The only thing I've had a good look at is the time.
Still not my room. This bed is amazingly comfortable though. Plus, I'm unbelievably warm. I'm not getting up. I can hear ambient female voices in the background. A giggle here, chatter there. I'm still groggy, a little dehydrated too. Some water would be nice. And I really could eat too.
*Sticky note*
“Hey Mzwa! It's Gina & Kamo. I'm going to Kamo's place. Call us if you need anything.”
Right across the bed, a tall glass of water and a cheese and chicken polony sandwich await me. “Drink me!! :)” is written eloquently on a sticky note and stuck on the glass of water “Take one of me!! :)” on the medication that's going to cure me of my ailment.
Friends hey. :)
Mzwa Thx Contributor